Date of Meeting: Nov. 15, 2019 • via phone conference
Attendees: Marty Linke, Rick LaPiana, Tom Trzeciak, Todd Somers, Bob Evans, Jeff Huntsinger, King Coombs, Eric Sagendorph, Pat Pajor, and Diana Nawrocki
ERA Staff: Stephanie Tierney
1. Opening Business: Rick LaPiana called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. There was a quorum, and all approved the OCT. 2019 meeting summary. King Coombs gave 1st motion of approval with a second from Tom Trzeciak.
2. VP / Fiscal and Legal Report – Kingsland Coombs
King noted that the financials were in good standing. The financial spending survey was still in place with a deadline of Nov. 26.
VP / Membership – Joe Braun
Joe added that he would be working on increasing social media followers. LinkedIn Group Page was at 74 followers vs the company page of 24 followers.
3. VP / Education – Marty Linke
Mr. Linke mentioned ERA University and the value it provides (if it is useful or not) and mentioned it needs some course content updates. Perhaps not the greatest courses. Mr. Linke working on getting the Sr. Editor of Chicago INO – Jim Dallke to come speak to the chapter. He was trying for Jan. 17.
4. VP / Social Media and Marketing – Zach DeVillers
Not present on call.
5. National Delegate Report – Jeff Huntsinger
Mr. Huntsinger made note of membership being over 600 members and finances for national were in good shape. He gave a reminder about the Feb. conference in Austin. He also told everyone that 2021 will also be in Austin again. The Representor, “Someone You Should Know” article featured the chapter’s own Kingsland Coombs.
6. Old Business
A. “A day at the Races” Recap – Attendance was about 50. It was noted that it was better to visit and network at than the ball games. Food was just ok. It was a slightly costly event but worth it for the networking as noted by those that attended.
7. New Business
A. Holiday Party – after the meeting Miller’s Ale House in Schaumburg was secured for the Dec. 12 holiday party from 5:30-7:30. There will a toy drive again for Toys for Tots and the event will be free to those that bring a toy. Winner of the conference registration give away must be present.
uture Round Table Topics
i. Marty to find out if Jim Dallke of Chicago INO can come in Jan.
ii. Other ideas included “Line Card Adjustment,” “Line Card of the Future” “Local Trade Show” and “IOT Best Practices” “” for how to videos.
iii. COLT 2019 brainstorm ideas were shared as well. Everyone was asked to prioritize a few.
C. Stephanie made note of elections coming up with various positions ending in 2019. Marty Linke mentioned he would be stepping down from the board. Tom Trzeciak was noted to be on the nominating committee for the next elections. He will be sending email with the nominations and email chapter to see if anyone else wants on the board.
D. The following positions are up for re-election:
Chairman – Tom Trzeciak, ALT Technical Sales
President – Rick LaPiana, Cain-Forlaw Company
VP / Fiscal & Legal – Kingsland Coombs, CPMR, CSP, Control Sales
VP / Education – Marty Linke, Dytec-NCI, Inc.
VP / Membership – Joe Braun, CPMR, EK Micro
Director – Diana Nawrocki, ESA Technical Marketing
Director – Patrick Pajor, Abbey Sales Corporation
The next meeting was preferred to be an in person meeting. (After the meeting the team decided on Jan. 24 in Bob’s office. )
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m. with a motion by Todd Somers and second motion by Marty Linke